​Oil Sands

(Last updated - June, 2022)

Oil Sands reporting comprises of applications for Oil Sands Royalty (OSR) Projects, royalty submissions and related supplemental reporting, such as CARE Revenue, WCS Sales, Cost, Subsurface and Operator's Forecast. Reporting is submitted through the department's Electronic Transfer System (ETS). 

For an overview of oil sands reporting, please refer to the business training PowerPoints in the Oil Sands Royalty Business Training section below.  Past training modules are listed under Courses.

If you have any questions or need help with Oil Sands reporting, please forward them to: OSReport@gov.ab.ca.


 Oil Sands Royalty Business Training

  • Acts And Regulations
  • OSR Projects
  • Royalty Business
  • Royalty Reporting Process and Royalty Reports
  • Supplemental Reporting
  • Supplemental Reporting Submission and Audit Processes


 Other Reference Materials

​Project Royalty Form Validation Rules

​Non Project Well Royalty File Validation Rules

​ETS Submission Process for Supplemental Reporting (Periods prior to 2015)