
The air reporting module is a new feature in ETS that allows for electronic submission of air data and reports as per Air Monitoring Directive requirements.

If you have general questions on the Air Monitoring Directive, please contact AMDFeedback@gov.ab.ca.

If you have questions on the submission of air data and reports required by your approval, please contact air.reporting@gov.ab.ca.

Please Note: Minor changes may still be made to the XML schemas and AMD Forms to address any bugs that may arise. Stakeholders will be notified if changes are made.​

 Training Manuals


Excel 2010 or later must be used to populate the forms. Earlier versions of Excel will convert the AMD forms for compatibility, which would make them unacceptable for upload into the new air data management system. Excel forms that have been converted will not be accepted.

Refer to the correlating XML schema for each form for descriptions of each field and a listing of which fields are required.

AMD​ Form Changes​​ (October 20, 2023​)
AMD1 - Approval Contravention Form V3.3  (Effective October 20, 2023)
AMD2 - CEMS Summary Form V4.1 (Effective April 22, 2022)
​​AMD4 - CGA Summary Form V4.1  (Effective April 22, 2022)
AMD5 - Emissions Summary Form V3.3​  (Effective April 22, 2022)​
AMD7 - Manual Stack Survey Form V4.1  (Effective April 22, 2022 )
AMD8 - Production Form V3.2 (Effective Sep 17, 2021)
AMD9 - RATA Summary Form V4.1  (Effective April 22, 2022)

AMD10 - S-30 Report Form V4.0​ (rev b - Ef​fective February 3, 2023) ​​​
AMD11 - Stack Survey RATA Notification Form V3.1  (Feb 7, 2020)


AMD Form XML Schemas

​XML Schema for AMD1 - Approval Contravention Form V1.8​  (October 20, 2023)
XML Schema for AMD2 - CEMS Summary V2.1  (April 22, 2022)
XML Schema for AMD4 - CGA Summary V2.1  (April 22, 2022)
​XML Schema for AMD5 - Emissions Summary V1.7  (April 22, 2022)
XML Schema for AMD7 - Manual Stack Survey V2.2  (April 22, 2022​)
XML Schema for AMD8 - Production Data Submission V1.5  (Feb 7, 2020)
XML Schema for AMD9 - RATA Summary V2.0  (June 25, 2021)

​XML Schema for AMD10 - S-30 Report V2.0​​ (February 3, 2023)​
​XML Schem​a for AMD11 - Stack Survey RATA Notification V2.1  (April 22, 2022)


Ambient XML Schema

XML Schema for Ambient Data Submission V2.0 (Aug 2, 2019)

Ambient Schema Guidance V2.1 (Aug 24, 2020)

Examples for XML Schema V2.0 (Aug 2, 2019)
Reference Tables V2.3 (Aug 24, 2020)
